Established in November 2021, HKMA Global Centre for ESG Education and Research supports Hong Kong's sustainable development and its strategic positioning as a global green finance centre in the region. To achieve this mandate, the Centre supports the growth of the city's talent pool in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), by providing an international platform for knowledge exchange, collaborating with other institutions globally on inter-disciplinary education and research, and offering ESG education and training to the business community.
By offering excellent ESG programmes, courses and events, the Centre equips business managers and professionals with the latest ESG knowledge and world-class best practices, and facilitates Hong Kong's businesses to effectively address ESG challenges and create value for the business and for society.
HKMA 環球 ESG 教育及研究中心於2021年11 月成立。其使命為推進管理層及行政人員在環境、社會和管治( ESG ) 三方面的教育及研究,以支持香港的可持續發展及定位成全球綠色金融中心。中心重視香港在ESG 策略上的人才發展,著力舉辦高質素ESG 和可持續發展相關的培訓及課程予管理層及行政人員,籍此提供一個國際知識交流平台,以突出香港在全球綠色金融中心的地位。
此外,中心亦積極與其他國際機構合作,透過跨學科的教育培訓及學術研究及由香港專業管理協會提供的相關課程,就著面對ESG 和可持續發展的挑戰和價值創造上作出貢獻。